Process Mining

Realize your true Potential

Discover the transformative power of Process Mining with Eden Automation. Our advanced Process Mining solutions enable businesses to gain valuable insights into their operations, optimize processes, and drive tangible results. With the ability to analyze and visualize real-time data, our Process Mining tools uncover hidden inefficiencies, solve complex business problems, and reduce costs, empowering you to achieve operational excellence.

Uncover hidden insights

Our Process Mining technology delves deep into your business processes, capturing and analyzing data from various systems and sources. By visualizing the entire process landscape, you gain a comprehensive understanding of how your operations truly function. Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and process variations that may hinder productivity or customer satisfaction. With this newfound clarity, you can make data-driven decisions to streamline operations and drive continuous improvement.

Solve Complex Processes

Process Mining is a powerful tool to solve complex business challenges. Whether it’s optimizing supply chain processes, improving order-to-cash cycles, or enhancing customer service workflows, our Process Mining solutions identify the root causes of issues and provide actionable insights. By uncovering process bottlenecks and inefficiencies, you can implement targeted improvements, reduce errors, and enhance overall process performance, leading to improved customer experiences and increased operational efficiency.

Drive Real Results

At Eden Automation, we are committed to delivering tangible results for your business. By leveraging Process Mining, you can achieve significant improvements across key performance indicators. Reduce lead times, increase process throughput, enhance resource utilization, and minimize errors. Streamline handoffs, automate manual tasks, and optimize resource allocation. These improvements result in enhanced customer satisfaction, reduced costs, increased revenue, and improved bottom-line profitability.

Reduce Costs

Process Mining is a cost-saving game changer for businesses. By identifying inefficiencies and eliminating wasteful steps, you can streamline operations, reduce manual efforts, and optimize resource allocation. Our Process Mining solutions uncover cost-saving opportunities such as reducing rework, eliminating unnecessary process steps, and improving resource utilization. By optimizing processes and minimizing errors, you can save on operational expenses and improve overall cost efficiency.

Partner with Eden Automation to unlock the full potential of Process Mining. Our team of experts possesses deep domain knowledge and technical expertise to deliver tailored Process Mining solutions that align with your unique business requirements. From solution design to implementation and ongoing support, we provide end-to-end assistance to ensure a seamless and successful integration. Together, we can optimize your processes, solve complex business problems, and achieve operational excellence.

Join the ranks of successful businesses that have harnessed the power of Process Mining to drive transformation, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge. Contact us today to embark on a journey of process optimization and business growth with Eden Automation.

Eden Automation’s mission is to eliminate redundant tasks.

Automate routine tasks so you can devote more time to client and customer interaction, relationship management, and other human-centric activities that drive growth.

Our Partners report reduced costs, increased employee happiness, retention, and productivity.

Four Simple Steps To Get Started:


Our team works with you to uncover the processes within your business that can be automated and streamlined.


Create a workflow so you can assess the ROI and advantages prior to development.
We will present a PoC (Proof of Concept) at this stage to demonstrate immediate value.


Develop the process with all the “what ifs” and triggers in consideration, so that you can begin to reap the rewards as soon as it is deployed.


Implement your bots so you can concentrate more on activities like relationship management and customer engagement, where humans naturally excel.


We help you focus on what matters

Eden Automation’s mission is to eliminate redundant tasks.

Automate routine tasks so you can devote more time to client and customer interaction, relationship management, and other human-centric activities that drive growth.

Our Partners report reduced costs, increased employee happiness, retention, and productivity.


Faster than humans


Cost Savings


of Business Processes can be automated


Average Time Savings
