
Partnership Structure

A partnership that only succeeds if you do.

Hyperautomation is a business-driven, disciplined approach that organizations use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. We focus on every possible process that can be automated, then begin one-by-one, starting with the processes that will bring you the largest return on time, money, productivity, and employee resources.

Eden Automation’s partnership is structured to ensure every penny is squeezed out of your automation’s. Using every technology we can utilize, with our flat rate pricing, allows your business to achieve a level of independence and growth otherwise impossible to achieve using only human resources. Achieve your goals without fear of scalability.

Coordination of your human resources and digital workforce is imperative to reaching hyper growth in your business.

Want to stay focused on what you are truly passionate about at your company?

Don’t get bogged down in things that can be streamlined.

Automating redundant activities can free up valuable time so you can focus on those things that you care about most. Bots streamline processes that are tedious, allowing your employees to focus more on high value tasks such as;

  • Customer Interaction
  • Relationship Management
  • Sales Negotiations
  • Prospecting
  • Customer Service
  • etc.

With the repetitive work taken care of, your business can focus on the true growth factors that allow you to reach your goals.

This is why it’s so important to choose the correct partner to consult your experience. Choose Eden Automation.



Seeing is believing.

Here at Eden Automation we firmly believe that the most important step in any partnership is to build a sense of trust and understanding. This concept is why we decide to display our prices openly.

Our team will work directly with you to understand your business, and create an initial automation that will bring you the most amount of Return-on-Investment. Once we have scoped a potential automation, we will develop the solution and allow you to trial the solution before any payments are made.


24/7 365 Access to Technical Support

Eden Automation guarantees all of our solutions. We provide a ramp-period for our clients to have a free & unlimited amount of servicing during that period.

After your ramp period, based on your partnership tier, we charge developmental hours to provide the necessary support.

Please Note: Your Ramp-Period is designed to ensure you wont need support for your automations after the given time-frame.

Faster employees and faster bots.

Automation directly impacts organization’s reliance on employee labor. Additionally, automation increases employee happiness and productivity.

Under your partnership, we will actively look at your current automations, and continuously improve the speed and efficiency when new developments in technology occur.

With Eden Automation, you can ensure someone is actively focused on your success and taking the proper measures to ensure the services we provide, are the highest quality.

let us manage the bots for you.

Bots handle their tasks in a highly effective and error-free manner, something which is directly reflected in the quality of the services you offer. Avoiding costs resulting from errors brings your business real savings.

A majority of the time, if an automation isn’t working correctly, it’s due to user error. With Eden Automation, we provide full management of our solutions through something called ‘Cloud Orchestration’. With the cloud, we are able to manage the scheduling, triggering, and access to each automation provided; ensuring the full services promised.

For some of our more technologically advanced clients, we offer the ability to purchase a ‘Cloud Orchestration’ license for the fees mentioned in the pricing structure.


Never too little, never too much. Automate what actually provides value to your business.

The amount of automation our partners use is a direct reflection of the amount of resources required to develop, manage, and service the bots 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Each tier allows for multiple automation’s to occur in your business, without the need or constant worry of financial pressures from our partnership.

With the Hyperautomation Partnership Structure, our team focuses only on automation which grant you the largest Return-On-Investment. It is a lose-lose scenario if our partners are creating automation for tasks that don’t need to be automated.


Custom training for your bespoke solutions.

Added workload is the last thing Eden Automation wants to burden our partners with.

Our team of professionals will create custom videos and training materials to ensure your employees have a complete understanding of what the bot does, how it does it, and how this will directly impact their job.

Each partnership tier includes training and employee interviewing to ensure we are helping our partners in most efficient way.

How much Time & Money are you losing ?

benefits of Automation?

[ Reduce Turnover ]

Partnership Tier Pricing

Focus on your passion.

The Digital Workforce is leading the charge in what today is called, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)“. While it will make certain job roles redundant, hyperautomation presents an opportunity to re-skill & up-skill employees to be better prepared for a digitally-driven work environment.

Today’s world has evolved to the point where the technology required to create a Digital Workforce is affordable to SMBs. A solid strategy is required if you want to see significant benefits from your automation.
Eden Automation is here to guide you through a well-planned strategy that will ensure your company’s growth while lowering costs and increasing productivity.

Easily Schedule a consultation or have our team reach out to you.

begin building your digital workforce

active users
0 +
Labour-Hours Saved
0 +
Automated Processes
0 +
completed projects
0 +

Our automation has proven to save time and money.
If you want to save money, time, and grow, it all starts with a conversation.
Contact us for a consultation to see if your company could benefit from automation.