Turn your labor challenges into an opportunity.

Eden Automation provides Managed automation Services

Employees can use automation to eliminate time-consuming manual tasks and focus on more human aspects of their role, such as customer service and engagement.

Read our partner's testimonials

Anonymous (Under NDA)
Anonymous (Under NDA)
Chief Financial Officer, Anonymous Healthcare Blood Laboratory
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Our team of Claims Specialists were intitially quite hesitant when we openly discussed the idea of automation. With Eden Automation, and their team, we were able to quash those conceptions. Once we went live with our automatons, we were able to quickly pivot their time to more valuable tasks and improve our client outcomes. Processing time went from an average of 30 minutes per FACE Sheet, to 15 seconds each! With the freed up time, our team was able to focus on processes outside the scope of the automatons. We couldn't be more thankful for such an amazing team and integration.
Raju Siva
Raju Siva
VP-Technology & Head of Automation, Omega Healthcare Management Services
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While our automation tool was competent enough, it wasn’t good enough to help us achieve the scale that we had in mind. In addition, as automation tools are code-intensive, we needed specific skilled resources which were hard to find. In a scenario where there are thousands of claims, and then trying to find out which one is to be concentrated more and which ones need less concentration is a very complex process. This kind of challenge led to decreased AR efficiency and revenue collection. With our current automated platform, the bots check the claims every seven days. This has helped in reduced claim follow-up from 30 days to seven days, thereby improving our days' sales outstanding (DSO). In addition, the claim resolution time has decreased to 70% post automation and quicker actions on denials have resulted in reducing late payments and penalties.
Harpreet Sanghera
Harpreet Sanghera
Head of Transformation at InHealth
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We had excellent external partners to help get us off the ground with our first process. Their guidance, training, insights and feedback were vital in building our approach. We didn’t do everything right first time but sharing knowledge and experiences while collaborating on solutions allowed us to get it right second time round.
Rangarajan Narasimhan
Rangarajan Narasimhan
Vice President, IT - ASI & Global Automation (Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and India)
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We wanted to adopt automation and release our resources from mundane tasks, besides having effective communication without manual intervention. Automation wasn’t meant to replace people. Some of that will happen as a result of removing steps that require human interaction, but the focus and the advantages are around productivity, consistency, and efficiency. To get automation right there is strong need to have straight forward processes or well-defined standard operating procedures (SOPs). One cannot just change the requirements.
Steve Miller
Steve Miller
Chief Digital Officer, Xerox
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Right off the bat, UiPath and Xerox collaborated heavily on some complex, high value use cases. Those initial wins quickly changed the narrative about the value of automation within Xerox. Our customers saw us becoming more agile, and they started to ask ‘okay, you’ve transformed your business, so how can you help us?’ That's really what brought us our initial commercial success. We had customers trying to tackle very similar problems to the ones that we’d solved with UiPath. We measure automation performance in a few ways. We look at ROI, and we’ll look at increases in productivity too. But there’s something else, and that’s whether it’s making our people’s days better. No-one likes doing manual work, a lot of heavy lifting—so success means helping them shake off that burden too.
Lucy Todorovska
Lucy Todorovska
Global Hyperautomation Product Manager at Heineken
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It was a new way of working for Heineken. And it allowed us to scale our automation journey faster. We provided them a governance model, training, and security. We’re here to ‘brew’ the robot out of the person. Automation will help people in their jobs. It will free up time to focus on value added activities and being creative. It will fuel Heineken growth.

RPA is a highly scalable asset that can be expanded to accommodate the peaks and valleys of your company’s workflow. With our ROI (Return on Investment) Calculator, you can learn how your business can profit.

Four Simple Steps To Get Started:


Our team works with you to uncover the processes within your business that can be automated and streamlined.


Create a workflow so you can assess the ROI and advantages prior to development.
We will present a PoC (Proof of Concept) at this stage to demonstrate immediate value.


Develop the process with all the “what ifs” and triggers in consideration, so that you can begin to reap the rewards as soon as it is deployed.


Implement your bots so you can concentrate more on activities like relationship management and customer engagement, where humans naturally excel.

Easily Schedule a consultation or have our team reach out to you.

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we provide Managed automation Services

Automation opens up a world of possibilities for your company.
Our team will collaborate with you to identify the greatest amount of savings for your automation programs.
Allow your employees to focus on the human aspects of their job rather than the busywork.

Gather information about your customers, competitors, or employees.
This collection can be automated to ensure accuracy and statistical significance.

How do we distinguish what is important in an ocean of data?
Data processing allows you to take large amounts of data and turn it into something useful for your business.

In today’s workplace, digital labor solves a variety of issues.
Labor shortages, competitive advantage, and employee efficiency are more important than ever.

Eden Automation has eliminated the need for data entry.
You can use our bots to transfer, enter, and share data across multiple platforms, saving you countless hours of manual labor and allowing you to focus on the human touch!

Scanning and storing documents in your systems may require the use of entire teams of staff.
Data can be transferred between documents or information can be saved using automation.

Our team works with you to uncover the processes within your business that can be automated and streamlined.

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Automated Processes
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