
What is RPA and why do businesses need it?

What is RPA?

Let’s start with the fundamentals. RPA is an abbreviation for Robotic Process Automation.
RPA is a business process technology that uses structured inputs and business logic to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks that are typically performed by humans.
RPA can mimic human actions in applications by using a combination of user interface interactions or connectors to mainframes, client servers, or HTML code.

Yes, here it is at last: the robots have come for our jobs.

Actually, no, not really. Robots don’t want our jobs.

In reality, RPA is here to complement daily work routines, enhancing employees’ capabilities, not replacing them. Read on and see why this is a good thing for your business.

Why RPA?

RPA’s adaptability is only now being recognized.
Businesses can use RPA for a variety of tasks, including mass email generation, data extraction from media such as PDFs and scanned documents, invoice creation and transmission, employee history verification, and payroll automation.

Because the entire purpose of a business is to generate revenue, RPA can aid in quote-to-cash by automating sales operations, allowing transactions to be completed not only faster but also more accurately.
RPA can handle the entire set of sales-related operational activities, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

RPA also excels in the area of data management.
Given the sheer volume of data available (which shows no signs of abating! ), having RPA to collect, integrate, analyze, and process the torrents of data generated in today’s commercial world is a huge advantage.

Finally, RPA has the potential to improve customer service operations.
We’re not talking about RPA replacing human service representatives; there are plenty of people who are unhappy about not being able to speak to a real person!
There’s no point in alienating them any further.
Instead, RPA can be used to automate the repetitive, simple tasks that plague customer service representatives, freeing them up.

RPA can update customer profiles, retrieve billing data, and perform other routine tasks that would otherwise take up the time of customer service representatives.

Advantages of RPA

Okay, so we have a partial list of fields where RPA can be extremely useful. But what specific advantages does RPA provide?

RPA reduces human errors, which are typically associated with rotely repeating the same task. Mistakes are unavoidable.

RPA has the potential to lower staffing costs while increasing productivity and efficiency. RPA applications that handle the repetitive grunt work free up employees to work on tasks that are more interesting and challenging in the long run. RPA performs tasks faster than humans, resulting in faster turnaround times when dealing with clients.
This is also useful when upper-level executives want things done “yesterday!”

Furthermore, businesses do not require expensive software or extensive system integration to have RPA tools work with their existing legacy systems.
Businesses can improve their RPA by incorporating features such as speech recognition and natural language processing.
RPA is a highly scalable asset that can be scaled to accommodate the peaks and valleys of the company’s workflow.

Businesses that implement RPA do so to improve efficiency and speed, reduce costs without sacrificing quality, increase productivity, and add a measure of flexibility and agility.

That all sounds great, but are there any drawbacks to RPA?


Disadvantages of RPA

Unfortunately, in the interest of full disclosure, RPA is not without flaws.
For example, and this is probably the most serious disadvantage, there is the issue of job loss.
Granted, the automation brought about by RPA does not result in the wholesale abolition of large numbers of jobs, as predicted in dystopian fiction.
However, it can and does result in job losses.
As a result, executives must ensure that skilled laborers can be transferred to other positions.

Another disadvantage is the initial monetary outlay required for implementation.
Although RPA is intended to save money in the long run, there are undeniably some upfront costs that must be incurred, and because not every RPA implementation is successful, this is a risk.
There are no guarantees that RPA will work or that the same results will be obtained in every business.

Furthermore, many businesses lack the skills and experience required for a smooth and successful RPA implementation.
Bringing in RPA without a solid understanding of what the project will require in terms of time, cost, and resources, as well as an understanding of RPA’s limitations, is a recipe for disaster.
This is unfortunate because such a failure would sour a company’s willingness to try again with RPA, despite the fact that the technology has so much to offer.

So, how does a company avoid the pitfalls of RPA deployment?
By bringing on board RPA specialists!
How does one go about finding or training such skilled individuals?

Why RPA now?

A historic labor shortage and increased labor-acquisition costs have increased the need for effective use of employment dollars.
While the use of bots and automation has been frowned upon in the past, RPA has a promising future.

RPA benefits include immediate ROI, happier employees, higher retention rates, increased efficiency, operational savings, and lower overhead costs.
The list goes on, but the picture is clear: RPA is the future of our workforce, and its use to stay competitive in markets will become increasingly important as technology advances.

Longterm Benefits of RPA

Increasing the use of RPA in your business will allow customer and employee experience to become the primary focus of your company.
Contrary to popular belief, RPA and automation will enable your company and employees to become more human in their experiences and tasks.

Reduced time spent on repetitive tasks allows for greater focus on tasks that humans naturally enjoy.
Eden Automation enables our partners to focus more on client and customer interaction, relationship management, and other activities where humans naturally excel.

Employers have often seen increased employee happiness, retention, production, and savings across the bottom line of business by eliminating repetitive, often boring, tasks.


These are just a few examples of RPA implementation.
However, when we look at the big picture, the benefits and scope of RPA in various sectors/industries are numerous.

What stands out here is that most businesses/verticals are leveraging RPA to improve regulatory compliance, human resource management, cost reduction, productivity growth, and ROI.

In short, it is an unavoidable technology with numerous business benefits for businesses.
In the current scenario, RPA provides many companies with a breather who were struggling to meet their business requirements, whether it was on the production front, vendor communication, a daily routine job like invoicing/report creations/emails, CRM, or on the logistic front.

Most businesses are operating with 50% or less of their workforces to carry out day-to-day operations.
RPA is a boon to those in this pandemic time, and most companies have already benefited from it, while others are eagerly awaiting the implementation of their business model/processes.


Outside Sources Used:
Why Businesses Need RPA?

By John Terra Last updated on May 31, 2021

“RPA – An inevitable technology that changed the traditional way of doing business”

By Admin Last updated on August 4, 2021

Eden Automation’s mission is to eliminate redundant tasks. Automate so you can devote more time to customer interaction, relationship management, and other human-centric activities that drive growth.

Our Partners report reduced costs, increased employee happiness, retention, and productivity.

Eden Automation’s mission is to eliminate redundant tasks.

Automate routine tasks so you can devote more time to client and customer interaction, relationship management, and other human-centric activities that drive growth.

Our Partners report increased employee happiness, retention, and productivity.

Four Simple Steps To Get Started:


Our team works with you to uncover the processes within your business that can be automated and streamlined.


Create a workflow so you can assess the ROI and advantages prior to development.
We will present a PoC (Proof of Concept) at this stage to demonstrate immediate value.


Develop the process with all the “what ifs” and triggers in consideration, so that you can begin to reap the rewards as soon as it is deployed.


Implement your bots so you can concentrate more on activities like relationship management and customer engagement, where humans naturally excel.

We help you focus on what matters

Eden Automation’s mission is to eliminate redundant tasks. Automate routine tasks so you can devote more time to client and customer interaction, relationship management, and other human-centric activities that drive growth.

Our Partners report increased employee happiness, retention, and productivity.


Faster than humans


Cost Savings


of Business Processes can be automated


Time Spent on Tasks that can be automated
